Telegram is on a mission to monetize its platform. This announcement comes less than two months after the company started selling usernames on Fragment. Earlier this year, Telegram launched a premium service, which, according to founder Pavel Durov, has already hit one million subscribers. Along with no-SIM sign-up, Telegram also introduced an auto-delete all chats feature in its latest update. Telegram said these features would deliver “ultimate privacy” to its users. The update also includes features such as “Topics” for groups of 100 or more, an aggressive automated anti-spam filter, and temporary QR codes.

Blockchain-Powered Anonymous Numbers

Telegram believes its anonymous numbers will usher in “a new era in privacy.” The prices of the company’s new blockchain numbers range from around $17 to nearly $60,000. Unfortunately, these numbers can only be used to verify your Telegram account; you can’t make or receive calls and texts or use them to verify other online accounts. Telegram users need to provide a phone number when signing up. Your number is visible to your contacts by default, but you can change the settings to hide your number from everyone. While Telegram has full access to its users’ phone numbers, it has maintained that it would not be compelled to hand over this or any other user data to third parties. However, the company came under fire in November for doing just that. Telegram reportedly shared user data with an Indian court in a copyright dispute case. The shared data includes channel administrators’ names, phone numbers, and IP addresses.

Ultimate Privacy

While Telegram’s efforts to deliver ultimate privacy will allow users to access the web anonymously, cybercriminals are also exploiting this cloak of invisibility. In November, cybersecurity firm Positive Technologies discovered that cybercriminals are migrating away from dark web marketplaces and are increasingly using Telegram for their illegal activities. This is not necessarily a new trend, as it was also observed in 2020 and 2021. Telegram’s anonymous SIM sign-up may encourage cybercriminals to continue to use the platform to operate away from the eyes of the authorities. Telegram and WhatsApp are the two top messaging services available today. Check out our comparison of Telegram vs. WhatsApp to see how these two platforms stack up against one another.

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